How Trump Consultants Exploited the Facebook Data of Millions
Cambridge Analytica harvested personal information from a huge swath of the electorate to develop techniques that were later used in the Trump campaign.
NUS to nurture students who are graduates for life (The Straits Times: The National University of Singapore is considering expanding the proportion of adult learners to more than half of its modules…The university is now experimenting with having more than 10 per cent of adult learners in each class)
Coursera’s bet on the upskilling of American workers (Forbes: Interview with Coursera CEO Jeff Maggioncalda, the CEO of Coursera. He discusses the choice of certifications, how the workforce certification market is evolving, and how companies are assuming a greater role in designing as well as operating training [vis-à-vis traditional education institutions], utilizing online platforms)
In early December, Jack Cashman had the opportunity to meet Tim O’Reilly, the founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media. In this bonus episode, they talk about Tim’s new book, WTF? What’s the Future and Why it’s Up to Us, available from Harper Business. This book explores the roots of some of the amazing technologies that are so quickly changing our world and prompts us to consider how to use these technologies to shape a humane future.